Continuous Quality Improvement- Road to Excellence Program (CQI)
S&R Nursing Homes Ltd. is committed to the process of Continuous Quality
Improvement with residents, their families, team members and the
community. Quality Improvement is fundamental to our corporate culture.
The Continuous Quality Improvement Program is a process that will
monitor and review quality improvement activities in the home.
We have developed the Continuous Quality Improvement- Road to
Excellence Program (CQI) which involves all levels of the
organization: team members, supervisors, managers, corporate leaders and
all service providers. The CQI Program involves each department and
includes all team members in a multidisciplinary team approach, using
problem solving techniques to improve processes. The CQI Program is a
Quality Improvement plan to measure outcomes through structured
participative observation, audits, accreditation, surveys, MOHLTC and
industry regulations.
The CQI Program illustrates the following principles:
Maintain optimal resident care and services through the auditing of
established criteria and standards.
Ensure appropriate indicators of performance are identified and
monitored for all aspects of resident care and service.
To monitor community health status and needs, establishing
priorities for programs and services.
Promotion of the philosophy of continuous quality improvement
providing team members with the necessary knowledge and skills to
implement the process.
Promote the Mission, Vision and Values of the home.
Ensure compliance with the LTCHA and regulations and other
applicable legislation.
To review our Quality Improvement Plan as submitted to the Ministry of
Health and Long Term Care follow the link below.
Health Quality Ontario