Snoezelen Program provides multi-sensory stimulation
and/or reduces anxiety or tension. The environment is safe and non-threatening. Participants
experience self-control, autonomous discovery and
Benefits of the Snoezelen Program
Relaxation, leisure
and enjoyment
Stimulation of primary
Increases physical
contact with caregivers
Increased understanding
of residents i.e. likes/dislikes
Allows residents to
explore, develop, choose and have some opportunity to control the
Encourages physical
movement and motivation
Varied activities accommodate
a wide range of likes, dislikes and needs
Setting for individual
or group work i.e. anxiety management
Promotes staff awareness
of the importance of the primary senses
The use of sensory
equipment can be beneficial for all ages and diagnoses
Basic Principles
The Snoezelen
environment is an atmosphere that is therapeutic, but flexible enough
to meet the needs of the residents. The basic principles in the
process are:
The environment is user friendly and familiar.
The introduction of choice for both the resident and the caregivers
sharing the experience.
The length of time in the environment is determined by the resident’s
wish to remain. Giving control
to someone with limited cognitive function provides independence.
Clear identification of goals and objectives makes the experience
a therapeutic one. The environment
is not treated as a holding area for those who are difficult to handle.
The Snoezelen Program provides a failure-free
experience, which may be unique in the care of the person
with dementia.