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Ministry of Health and Long Term Care Inspection Process

At Westmount Gardens we would like to take a moment to describe the inspection process in our home by the Ministry of Health & Long Term Care (MOHLTC). All inspection reports are found on the Public Reporting Website. See link below in blue. As we have an important role in the health care continuum we strive for transparency and openness in our communication with the public, our residents, our families and our team members.

The inspection reports you see posted on the MOHLTC website are the results of the events we have ourselves previously reported to the Ministry. These inspection reports are also posted in our home as further evidence of our desire to be open in our communication with our stakeholders. We report all incidents and events that occur in our home within 12-24 hours. Some of the situations we report include where there is possible resident harm such as resident falls, utility interruptions, outbreaks and environmental hazards. Once we have reported the event or incident we immediately proceed with actions to mitigate the situation or an internal investigation to determine possible causes and to ensure the incident does not happen again. This is our quality process response, and from this response we create an action plan.

In many cases the MOHLTC follows up the report at a later date with a visit to our home. On this visit they review our actions taken to determine if they fall within the Long Term Care Home Act (LTCHA). In many cases you will see an Inspection Report where there are “No findings of Non-Compliance as a result of this Inspection.” as our action plans meet all of the regulations. In other cases you may see a “Written Notice” (WN) or a “Compliance Order” (CO) where the MOHLTC Inspector feels we need to do more to meet the regulations from the LTCHA. In this case we will do a more detailed “Voluntary Plan of Correction” (VPC) to put us in compliance with the Act.

Our goal is the safety and well being of our residents. We have always supported the Ministry of Health & Long Term Care in their objective of quality care for our residents. For that reason we will continue to be open and honest with our reporting and communication with our residents and families. The Ministry of Health public reporting website represents inspection issues that were identified in the past and where corrective actions have already been implemented to resolve any concerns.

If you have any questions on the inspection reports posted in our home or on the Public Reporting Website please come to the office and speak with our Administrator in the home – we are happy to answer all questions.

Resident Quality Inspection (RQI)

This is the inspection of the entire long term care home that is conducted on an annual basis by the Ministry of Health in Ontario. These inspections are random and unscheduled. The results of the RQI are also posted on the Ministry of Health Public Reporting Website.






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